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cfg = {
debug = false,
updateInterval = 150, -- How often the hud updates in milliseconds.
settingsCommand = 'hud', -- Command to open the settings menu.
minimapScale = 1000, -- Minimap Scale.
chatToggleKey = 'T', -- Key to toggle the chat.
chatSuggestionsBlockedPrefixes = { -- Prefixes that will be blocked from the chat suggestions.

modules = { -- Modules that can be toggled on/off.
status = true,
carhud = true,
weapon = true,
weaponImage = true,
money = true,
chat = true,
progress = true,
interact = true,
notification = true,
topInfo = true,
blackbar = true,
status = { -- for icons you can use Values comes from wd-hud/shared/shared.lua file wd.getStatus function.
name = 'health',
icon = 'health',
value = 100,
color = '#00FF94',
name = 'armor',
icon = 'armor',
value = 100,
color = '#CC5FFF',
min = 1,
name = 'stamina',
icon = 'stamina',
value = 100,
color = '#FF5F5F',
name = 'hunger',
icon = 'hunger',
value = 100,
color = '#FFAB2E',
name = 'thirst',
icon = 'thirst',
value = 100,
color = '#26A2E8',
name = 'stress',
icon = 'stress',
value = 100,
color = '#F9FF00',
topInfo = { -- for icons you can use Values comes from wd-hud/shared/shared.lua file wd.getTopInfo function.
name = 'radio',
icon = 'FaWalkieTalkie',
color = 'white',
text = 0,
show = false,
name = 'voice',
icon = 'microphone',
color = 'white',
text = 0,
show = true,
name = 'ping',
icon = 'network',
color = 'white',
text = 0,
show = true,
name = 'players',
icon = 'status',
color = 'white',
text = 0,
show = true,
name = 'serverId',
icon = 'user',
color = 'white',
text = 0,
show = true,
voiceColors = { -- Colors for the voice icons.
talking = '#0EF192',
idle = '#ffffff',
radioTalking = '#0EF192',
defaultSettings = { -- Default settings for the settings menu.
minimapDisplay = true,
minimapType = 'circle',
cinematic = false,
cinematicValue = 20,
speedType = true,
editorMode = false,
hudData = {},
colors = {
fuel = '#F2AC68',
carhud = '#F2AC68',
rpm = '#F2AC68',
progressbar = '#FFFFFF',
notification = '#FFFFFF',
interaction = '#FFFFFF',
chatTypes = { -- Chat types that can be used with the chat.
{ id = 'All' },
id = 'OOC',
action = function(message)
ExecuteCommand('ooc ' .. message)
id = 'ME',
action = function(message)
ExecuteCommand('me ' .. message)
id = 'DO',
action = function(message)
ExecuteCommand('do ' .. message)
locale = 'en',
locales = {
['en'] = {
['minimapDisplay'] = 'Minimap Status',
['minimapDisplayDesc'] = 'Toggles minimap visibility.',
['minimapType'] = 'Minimap Type',
['minimapTypeDesc'] = 'Changes minimap\'s shape',
['hudSettings'] = 'HUD Style',
['hudSettingsDesc'] = 'Changes status huds style.',
['cinematic'] = 'Cinematic Mode',
['cinematicDesc'] = 'Enabes/Disables cinematic mode.',
['speedType'] = 'Speed Type',
['speedTypeDesc'] = 'Changes speed type between km/h and mph.',
['editorMode'] = 'Editor Mode',
['editorModeDesc'] = 'You can edit the player hud acording to your preferences!',
['toggleseatbelt'] = 'Toggle Seatbelt',
['circle'] = 'Circle',
['square'] = 'Square',
['KMH'] = 'km/h',
['MPH'] = 'mph',
['fuelUnit'] = 'L',
['launch'] = 'Launch',
['changeType'] = 'Change TYPE (DBL Click)',
['resetComponents'] = 'Reset Component Positions',
['enterMessage'] = 'Enter message...',
['hudElements'] = 'Hud ELEMENTS',
['cancelled'] = 'Cancelled',
['cancelProgress'] = 'Cancel progress',
['toggleChat'] = 'Toggle chat',