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command = "edit",
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description = "Open edit mode"

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['en'] = {
cancelled = "Cancelled",
editModeHeader = "EDIT MODE",
editModeDescription = "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard",
notificationPositions = {
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resetComponentPositions = "RESET COMPONENT POSITIONS"
['de'] = {
cancelled = "Abgebrochen",
cancelProgress = "Fortschritt abbrechen",
editModeDescription = "Lorem Ipsum ist ein einfacher Demo-Text für die Druck- und Schriftindustrie. Lorem Ipsum ist der Standard-Demotext der Branche seit 1500",
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['fr'] = {
cancelled = "Annulé",
cancelProgress = "Annuler la progression",
editModeHeader = "MODE ÉDITION",
editModeDescription = "Lorem Ipsum est simplement un texte factice de l'industrie de l'impression et de la composition. Lorem Ipsum est le texte factice standard de l'industrie depuis 1500",
notificationPositions = {
["top-left"] = "En haut à gauche",
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["bottom-right"] = "En bas à droite",
["bottom-center"] = "En bas au centre"
textUiAnimations = {
left = "Gauche",
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['pl'] = {
cancelled = "Anulowano",
cancelProgress = "Anuluj postęp",
editModeHeader = "TRYB EDYCJI",
editModeDescription = "Lorem Ipsum jest po prostu fikcyjnym tekstem branży drukarskiej i składu tekstu. Lorem Ipsum jest standardowym tekstem szablonowym branży od 1500 roku",
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["top-left"] = "Góra Lewa",
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["bottom-center"] = "Dół Środek"
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resetComponentPositions = "RESETUJ POZYCJE KOMPONENTÓW"
['tr'] = {
cancelled = "İptal Edildi",
cancelProgress = "İlerlemeyi İptal Et",
editModeHeader = "DÜZENLEME MODU",
editModeDescription = "Lorem Ipsum, baskı ve dizgi endüstrisinin basit bir sahte metnidir. Lorem Ipsum, 1500'lerden beri endüstrinin standart sahte metni olmuştur",
notificationPositions = {
["top-left"] = "Üst Sol",
["top-right"] = "Üst Sağ",
["top-center"] = "Üst Orta",
["bottom-left"] = "Alt Sol",
["bottom-right"] = "Alt Sağ",
["bottom-center"] = "Alt Orta"
textUiAnimations = {
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resetComponentPositions = "BİLEŞEN KONUMLARINI SIFIRLA"